
What We Do

Our Ministries

We Are Passionate About The Local Church, And Are On Mission To See God’s Kingdom Established Across The Earth


Chancel Choir

Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides upon the clouds— his name is the Lord— be exultant before him. Psalm 68.4  

This is an adult amateur choir whose ministry is leading the weekly Sung Eucharist. The choir is capable of four-part singing, and prepares hymns, anthems, psalmody and mass settings for all sung liturgies. Currently the choir rehearses on Thursday evenings. Anyone who feels called to this music ministry and make a joyful noise is welcome to join the choir.   


For more information, please speak to our Music Director or call the Parish Office

Children's Choir

Girls & boys (with unchanged voices) in grades two through eight are invited. Younger children who are early readers are also invited.  
Rehearsals are on Thursday at 6:00 PM. Please speak to, email, or phone Richard Birney-Smith.  


For more information, please speak to our Music Director or call the Parish Office


Sunday Prayer Team

The Sunday Prayer Team members work in pairs and are prepared to meet worshippers privately during the Communion at the Sunday morning liturgies. 


 “O God of peace, who taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength; by the might of your Spirit lift us, we pray, to your presence, where we may be still and know that you are God; through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Amen. (BAS 554)  


If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please speak to the Rector

Prayer Group

Confidential requests for prayer can be placed in the wooden box provided for the purpose in the Narthex (Parish Hall entrance). The box is outside the Parish Office.  You can also speak with, or email, the Rector.

If you would like to be part of the prayer group that prays for the Church, the World and for those requesting prayers we would love for you to join this group. When two or three are gathered together in prayer God is in our midst. All are welcome to participate in the Prayer Group.    For more information, speak to Shirley Kitchen

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We just blessed some prayers shawls at Grace. If you know of someone who would benefit from a Prayer Shawl, please let us know and we can supply you with a blessed shawl to give them. Prayer Shawls are made with prayer. Each stitch represents a prayer. They are meant to bring comfort and peace to the recipient as they wrap themselves in those prayers.




They are vested and light the candles on the altar. They also carry the processional cross and torches and assist in bringing the bread and wine to the altar to be consecrated. They may also help in administering the elements of consecrated bread and wine. This is a ministry for people of all ages: boys, girls, men and women.  


Those interested in serving at the altar should speak to the rector or contact her using the links below.

Altar Guild

This ministry is open to men and women of the parish. The Guild is organized into teams which serve on a monthly schedule. The Altar Guild prepares the altar and the sanctuary for our Eucharistic worship. This includes preparing the vessels, maintaining candles, flower arranging, ordering supplies, laundering the linens, polishing the brass and cleaning the vessels and changing the frontals and hangings for the various church seasons. Festal seasons like Christmas and Easter involve other decoration as do Weddings and Baptisms. This “behind the scenes” ministry is vital to the smooth operation of our regular liturgies and enhance our communal, spiritual experience of worship.  


Those interested in learning more about the Altar Guild should speak to one of the Convenors, Kaye Hogg or Kathy Scott


They welcome people to worship. They ensure that everyone has what books and they need to fully participate in worship, and that everyone is comfortably seated. During communion they guide and assist communicants as needed.

Sidespersons collect the weekly offering and bring it to the altar to be blessed at the Offertory. They appoint representatives from the congregation to bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar, along with the gifts of food items for the local food bank. Sidespersons also assist in counting and depositing the weekly offering.


Those interested in learning more about the Sidespersons role should speak to Darrell
Taylor, or call the Parish Office.


Adult Education

Grace Church offers occasional teaching series on Christian books, as well as regular Bible Studies.  We also periodically run Alpha programs.  


During the Lenten Season, we place a special emphasis upon personal spiritual growth.  


The Parish Library contains a collection of devotional and study materials for free use by parishioners. 

Kids' Spirit

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’ Matthew 19.14.   

Kids’ Spirit has a vision of young people as faithful worshipping members of the Anglican Communion.  


Our goal is for young people to learn spiritual/biblical truth, develop Christian character and values and gain a sense of belonging to the Anglican Communion.  


Our objectives are to:  

  • Increase young people’s participation during the Eucharist.  
  • Ensure an adequate number of well-oriented parent instructors regularly cover KS classes.  
  • Provide easily accessible lectionary-based curriculum and instructional aides for KS classes.  
  • Encourage intergenerational interactions   

Kids’ Spirit is run during the 10 am Eucharist Service on the first Sunday of the month during the school year. 

TiGERs Youth Group

TiGERs (Teens in Grace Ever Rejoicing) is the youth group at Grace for students in Grades 6-12.
We meet regularly on Friday Nights from 7-9 pm at the church.
Join us for fellowship, evening prayer, fun games & socials.
Contact our youth leader, Adedayo  for any questions!
golf Grace Anglican Church Milton



Healing Prayer Requests

Each week during our service we pray for those who have requested to be remembered in our public prayers for healing. If you are in need of our prayers and want your name included, please contact our office to have your name added to our list.  Our weekly list is renewed each month so please remember to add your name if your need continues.

Confidential Prayer Requests

If you prefer to keep your name confidential, you can call or email our Rector or Prayer Team directly. You will be prayed for, but your name will not be read in public at our worship services or published in any way to respect your privacy.