Giving to Grace
Giving to Grace
Thanks to all of you for your givings to Grace Church. We are so thankful for your gifts, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic which has been so challenging for planning and budgeting. God has made us to be generous. The people of Grace are very generous indeed. We very much appreciate your generosity during a very tough time.
Ways to Give:
In Person: Join us for any of our services and you can drop off a cheque or cash on our offering plate, or with the secretary during office hours. Cheques can also be left in our mailbox which is checked daily. Please do not leave cash in the mailbox. Remember to use an envelope or provide your contact info so we can send you a tax receipt for any donations over $20.
Pre-authorized debit giving from your bank account. Please contact the secretary in person or by email at our secretary for the form or download here. It’s quite easy to do and it helps the Corporation and the Treasurer with financial planning when we know we have a regular flow of income each month.
E-file transfer where 100% of your gift will go to Grace Church. In your on-line banking platform, enter ‘Grace Church’ as an interac e-transfer recipient.
E-mail address is: . Once set-up go into your banking and choose ‘send an interac e-transfer’, select Grace Church, select the Dollar amount you are donating, in the message area you can specify the purpose of your donation, such as operating, capital, outreach or some other purpose. We are set up for auto-deposit – no password required. Press send. The e-mail is received by the treasurer and your funds are deposited into the Grace Church bank account. You receive an e-mail confirming that the funds have been deposited. THERE IS NO COST TO YOU or GRACE CHURCH TO TRANSFER FUNDS. Your contact information is not sent to Grace so if you wish a tax receipt, please send a separate e-mail to the treasurer and request a receipt be sent.
Credit card giving through the Diocese of Niagara secure website allows donating directly to Grace Church Milton by selecting our parish, with options for one-time or multiple donations.
Thank you very much for contributing to the ministry of God at Grace Church.